Yes, indeed! Unfurl Cloud has some unique benefits for anyone developing or deploying cloud applications.
Accelerate development and minimize tedious setup
Quickly setup up development environments with instant access to live services running in our testbed cloud. Jump-start your production environment using our low-code UI to deploy our cloud blueprints.
Collaborate with teammates
The same collaborative technology we are using to build a free and open cloud can be used privately as a great development platform for your team. Use our cloud blueprints to maximize reusability and flexibility and create private testbed projects for your development team to make managing development environments a breeze.
Infrastructure-as-Code without writing code
Your deployment history and all the configuration changes you make in our UI are stored in Git as re-usable Infrastructure-as-Code.
Avoid lock-in
- From cloud providers: Our cloud blueprints are cloud provider independent.
- From SaaS services: With Unfurl Cloud you can easily migrate between self-hosted instances and commerical SaaS services, for example between a self-hosted Redis and their commercial service.
- From us!
- We store all your configuration and settings in git using open standards where possible.
- Deploy using your own cloud accounts.
- Our architecture is loosely coupled and follows our open cloud vision. For example, you can run our command-line tool locally without any dependencies on our service.
- Our entire stack is open source.